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Krista van Nostrand Available work by Krista:

Cape St. Mary's
Watercolour on ivory piano key
2 3/8" x 1 1/2"

      I spent countless hours playing in my grandparents' attic, "The Crow's Nest". There I discovered treasures such as trunks of Victorian clothing, apothecary chests, musical instruments, envelopes of gold leaf, ivory tusks, piano keys, carvings and oil paintings. I would take my discoveries to my grandparents, to hear the story of each mysterious object. These treasures continue to inspire me as does hunting in antique shops at home and when travelling. My work explores the connections that both Newfoundlanders and the French have with the Grand Banks and, as I discovered, my ancestral connections to the history of both places.



1986 Bachelor of Education,
2000 Master of Education Memorial University NL

Formal and informal guidance from:
Barbara Pratt, Carl Stevenson, Julia Pickard,
Ed Roche

2010 "Gilding" the Lily, Polyanna Art Gallery
2016 "Into the Woods", Red Ochre Gallery

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2012 "Ice" Polyanna Art and Antique Gallery
2002-2008 The Art Association af NL
2006 The Garden Party, Fairmont Hotel St. John's
2004 The Garden Party, Fairmont Hotel St. John's