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George Horan

For current work by this artist: click here.

"For me painting is about my obsession with the mysterious and the beautiful. The product is a work of art which may be abstract, representational or any combination of these qualities but it can only ever be its own reality. They constitute a record of my meditations."


 "A Walk along the Coast Early on the Seventh Day" watercolour (9.5" x 28.75") private collection.

Exhibitions at the Red Ochre:



George Horan Bio.

George Horan was born in New Brunswick but has lived in Newfoundland since 1956. He studied painting, drawing, sculpture and printmaking through Memorial University of Newfoundland Extension Services, where he has also taught Portrait Painting and Life Drawing. Curators have described Horan’s expressive paintings as “tempestuous and sensuously messy”. His work is included private and corporate collections throughout Canada, Brazil, the United States, England, and France.

A dedicated advocate for the arts, Horan is a member of the Resource Centre for the Arts in St. John’s, the Artist’s Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador, and has served on various councils for Canadian Artists Representation/Le front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC). 

His logos and prints have been featured in numerous publications for the Canadian Bar Association and the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador.