Painting is a language, a visual language, passed from painter to canvas and from canvas to viewer. Whether it originates from an idea or an image, a mood or a vision, it is a language to be shared.
Ying Tian was born in Beijing, China in 1978. She came to Newfoundland as a student in 2000, with an advanced background in the visual arts. Ying paints with oil on linen showing a very special technical ability. Her paintings are truly exquisite. They show a sensitivity for composition and are executed with a rare ability and infinite patience.
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Tian's work has now been purchased by many collectors internationally. Her solo exhibition "On The Table" was a resounding success and the work well received.
- Studies in Printing, Central Academy of Arts and Design, Beijing China.
- Studies in Arts and Crafts in Seeking Knowledge Institute, Beijing China.
- 4 years apprenticeship with 2 masters in oil glazing on linen, China.