The Sound of the Sea SOLD
Encaustic on panel, (48" x 24") x 3 |

What Once Was I SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 36" x 36"

What Once Was II SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 36" x 36"

The Moment of Time SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 30" x 30" |

Making Waves SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 20" x 20"

Ted's Fish I SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 18" x 30"

Forever Changing SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 12" x 36"

Forever Changing II SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 12" x 36"
Remembering II SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 20" x 20"
Ted's Fish II SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 18" x 30"

Remembering III SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 20" x 20"

Time Stands Still SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 16" x 16"
Spirit of the Sea SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 24" x 48"

Trace of Time SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 16" x 16"

After Turner
Encaustic on panel, 18" x 30" $1400 (tax included)

Greyscape I SOLD
Encaustic on panel, 12" x12''

Greyscape II (Grey Waves)
Encaustic on panel, 12" x12''